In Summary…I’m a shit blog writer and have been putting this off for months. Its toooooo hard, there are just too many excuses..I never get time on my computer. We only have one computer between the 4 of us so theres always fierce competition. A competition that I usually can’t even be bothered pursuing. ‘Here you have it and just give me some piece and quite’. Is my usual response. I find it tricky to find the balance. What do I say?? How personal can I go?? Its not my diary so some moderate filtration has to be applied. But I don’t want it to be a plain old boring either. I also don’t want to hurt any ones feelings when discussing the characters I meet….. So I’ve been putting it off……..
To fill you in. Where are we? Castle Point. How did we get here?? Via Ohakune. And before that???Taranaki….and before that????Whangarei. So I will endeavour to catch you up and share those adventures at some point. Which I fear is what I was trying to do last time I wrote many moons ago. Enjoy the writings and the journey. And as my very wise little sister says “no one will be judging me anyway”.
Castle Point is stunning. It is an adventure park. There is so much to do. Swimming, surfing(beachies and the Gap), walks, fishing, low tide caves to explore(rumour has it you can walk right under the lighthouse at low tide-yet to be done),horse riding, sand dune climbing, kite flying, and I’m sure the list goes on. We are working at the camp ground here. Help out around the place with the cleaning and rubbish. I didn’t realise how big it is. As well as Tent sites there are a multitude of units to clean. Some are quite big sleeping up to 25 people (approx.). News Years has been really busy and we are all a bit stuffed. Lucky our ‘Park Ranger’ (Megan) has been ruling with a iron thumb and we had lots of cops out here for the night. The worse we had was a bit of a punch up between some Ozzies and the Shearing boys. No prizes for guessing who won that one.
The people are lovely who we work for. The campground is part of a huge sheep station that runs all the way down the coast almost to Riversdale. It’s owned by a family who were originally from America. They seem really nice too. Good honest sorts. We have already been asked to stay on to Easter so looks like the kids will have a term in Tinui school. Fine by me. Living in very close quarters drives me nuts some days. Controlling the hysteric claustrophobic feelingsĀ is a challenge. But nothing lasts forever and you soon laughing and loving again.